I work remotely from a van that is slowly working its way around Australia. Follow me for the intersection of remote work, camping & #vanlife.
Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action...

Two weeks ago a student anonymously emailed me asking for advice. This is the reply and if I was in your shoes this is what I'd do. So, I read your blog post "An oh f*** moment in time" alongside "The future belongs to idea

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

I had my AI "oh f***" moment and I'm a student, now what?

What follows is an email that arrived in my inbox moments ago, reproduced in it's entirety. I'll be doing a response letter, after I get some sleep. For now, discuss at https://x.com/GeoffreyHuntley/status/1888365040572751973 Hi there, So, I read your blog post "

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

You are using Cursor AI incorrectly...

I'm hesitant to give this advice away for free, but I'm gonna push past it and share it anyway. You're using Cursor incorrectly. Over the last few weeks I've been doing /zooms with software engineers - from entry level, to staff level

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

What do I mean by some software devs are "ngmi"?

At "an oh fuck moment in time" I closed off the post with the following quote. N period on from now, software engineers who haven't adopted or started exploring software assistants, are frankly not gonna make it. Engineering organizations right now are split between employees who

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

The future belongs to people who can just do things

There, I said it. I seriously can't see a path forward where the majority of software engineers are doing artisanal hand-crafted commits by as soon as the end of 2026. If you are a software engineer and were considering taking a gap year/holiday this year it would

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Multi Boxing LLMs

Been doing heaps of thinking about how software is made after https://ghuntley.com/oh-fuck and the current design/UX approach by vendors of software assistants. IDEs since 1983 have been designed around an experience of a single plane of glass. Restricted by what an engineer can see on their

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

An "oh fuck" moment in time

Over the Christmas break I’ve been critically looking at my own software development loop, learning a new programming language and re-learning a language I haven’t professionally used in over seven years. It's now 2025. Software assistants are now a core staple of my day-to-day life as

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

aussie #vanlife free camping: a guide to working remote and not paying rent

Here I am, sitting at my favourite pub in Melbourne drinking an expensive pint of craft beer and not really caring that much about the cost that much because so far this month because I've spent a grand total of $0 on rent.  I'm half a

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

tricks from a marketers handbook: identifying enterprise buying intent

Back in 2004, I created a content delivery network and one of the world's first video blogs which peaked as the 1901st most visited website in the world and was interviewed by the Washington Post, and the BBC and was published in various newspapers at a ripe age

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Every day I wake up and ask myself what is a software development environment

Here I am, without my van, on the opposite side of the world, sitting at IHOP in Austin, Texas, and the story of how I ended up here is a strange one. It has now been just over a month since I left Gitpod, a company I thought I would

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture

A couple of moments ago, I finished reading the article by Rob O'Leary about the pervasive data collection done by Visual Studio Code. Now that I'm no longer an employee at Gitpod, I'm finally able to author a blog post freely about something that

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Welcome to Sydney, Australia

Hello there! First, you have made the correct decision to visit Sydney, it's a pretty chill place for tourists. To help you fall even more in love with the city, I have provided you with a list of awesome things to do. coffee Australia has some of the